Leading Chiropractor for Mid Back Pain
If you experience mid back pain, it can make everyday activities like driving and working more challenging. The pain can be debilitating. Here at Health From Within our mid back pain chiropractor compiled the following information to help our patients understand the condition and how our chiropractic care can help.

Common Causes of Mid Back Pain
There are a variety of factors that can cause mid back pain, however it’s generally the result of one of the following three causes.
Sedentary Lifestyle Choices
Americans are more sedentary than ever. On average we spend as much as 60 hours per week sitting at a desk making us much more susceptible to the effects of poor posture. These problems can be intensified by lack of movement.
Most people naturally bend their heads forward when looking down at a computer screen or their phones. As a result of this posture patients often experience more than sore necks. For each inch the neck is shifted forward, the spine bears an additional 10 pounds of pressure. The spine connects the neck, head, and back, which means these 10 pounds of pressure can cause pain in any of these areas, including the mid back.
The body was designed to move on a regular basis, so sitting sedentary for hours at a time is detrimental to your overall health. Lack of movement causes poor circulation of oxygen and nutrients which help heal damaged mid back muscles. The pain you experience may feel more intense or altered when the damaged nerves in your mid back don’t communicate efficiently.
Heavy Baggage
Moving incorrectly is a significant problem, but so is a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, a lot of strain can be placed on the upper and mid back when you carry large purses, backpacks, and computer bags. The average bag weighs about six pounds and since most people carry their bags on one shoulder it can cause one side of the mid back to carry that additional six pounds of weight causing strain on the mid back.
Some diseases can cause mid back pain. One example of this is scoliosis, which is a condition in which the spine develops with an exaggerated curve toward one side. This condition typically develops during the teenage years. The teenage years are also the years kids are carrying heavy backpacks which can increase mid back pain.
There are times when our chiropractor for mid back pain sees a patient who experiences a sudden onset of mid back pain with no apparent cause. This pain can be caused by gallbladder issues and is often located slightly to the right between the center of the shoulder blades. Osteoporosis, arthritis, and spinal stenosis are some other conditions that can cause mid back pain.
Symptoms of Mid Back Pain
Mid back pain can have just as much impact on our patients’ lives as lower back pain. Symptoms can appear gradually over time or suddenly. Below is a list of some of the more common symptoms of mid back pain:
Rigidity or stiffness, especially in the morning
Sharp pain, particularly under the shoulder blade
Numbness, pain, or tingling that moves from the mid back through the arms, chest, or other areas
Urinary incontinence
How Chiropractic Can Eliminate Mid Back Pain
Since we’re all unique we can experience a variety of symptoms from mid back pain. Here at Health From Within, we don’t just manage or mask the symptoms with our mid back pain chiropractic treatment, we find the source of the problem. Our chiropractor develops a customized treatment plan for each of our patients.
Rather than relying on potentially addictive pain medications or even risky surgical procedures, we offer natural solutions through our chiropractic mid back pain therapy. Our chiropractic care helps our patients feel their best without the unwanted side effects of pain medication and anesthesia.
Mid Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment
Mid back pain and its causes will vary for each patient, as well as individualized treatments. That said, there are certain mid back chiropractic therapies that promote healing for everyone. These therapies are also backed by extensive research. Here at Health From Within, each of our patients can expect the following mid back pain chiropractic treatment along with a custom plan.
Detailed Health Evaluation
Our Health From Within chiropractors for mid back pain will begin your initial visit with an in-depth health evaluation. We carefully analyze and discuss your medical history and any information you pass along to us. After that, we perform a detailed physical examination as well as a variety of muscular and nerve function assessments. If we find your condition requires additional evaluation, we will order more scans and tests.
Chiropractic Adjustments
The nerves that control mid back movement and sensation all stem from the spinal cord. In order for the mid back to function properly, it’s essential for the spine to be in optimal alignment, which is achieved with chiropractic adjustments. When the spine is not properly aligned it can compress the nerves, causing the signals for pain and movement between the brain and mid back to be delayed, altered, or even missing completely.
Our chiropractors for mid back pain perform chiropractic adjustments by gently repositioning each vertebra or spinal segment into its optimal position. The nerves in the spine and mid back can freely communicate with the brain once optimal alignment of the spine is restored. This allows the brain to send consistent and accurate signals to the mid back and entire spine, which encourages natural healing and ongoing healthy alignment.
Guided Exercise
Here at Health From Within, our mid back pain chiropractor is a firm believer that frequent movement, even gentle movements, is one of the best ways to promote health. Our current culture tends to be very sedentary, making it difficult to not only get healthy, but stay healthy in a body that was designed for movement. Each of us can benefit from strategic activity.
While walking is a helpful activity, our team creates guided exercise programs specifically for mid back pain. The exercises chosen for this type of pain are designed to not only strengthen weakened areas but also to relieve tension.
Ergonomics Coaching
We know how quickly the relief our patients feel when they first leave the office can fade in the midst of everyday challenges. Because of this, we work to help our patients improve the way everyday tasks are performed. Whether it’s a desk set-up that supports the mid back, easy stretches you can do at your desk, or even energizing snacks, our Health From Within team is confident we can help you live a better life at work and home.
Mid Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment for You
If you or a loved one is experiencing a painful mid-back, seeing chiropractic mid-back pain treatment here at Health From Within might be the perfect solution. Our experienced and encouraging team looks forward to helping you improve your quality of life. Call us today for a mid back pain relief consultation.