Chiropractic for Pinched Nerves
Here at Health From Within, we see a large number of patients that complain of painful pinched nerves. This is not surprising since the nerves carry information to and from the brain throughout the body. This condition affects many Americans, in fact, it occurs in nearly 85 out of every 100,000 people. This guide was developed by our pinched nerve chiropractors here at Health From Within to help patients understand this condition and learn about the options we offer for treatment.

What Is a Pinched Nerve?
A pinched nerve is a nerve that has become compressed or irritated. This compression can interfere with movement signaling between the brain and body and sensation. This may lead to missing, altered or incomplete sensations like phantom limb syndrome, a condition where an amputee continues to feel things in a limb that they no longer have, or distorted pain perception. Maintaining balance, walking, or moving limbs can also become challenging.
How Does a Pinched Nerve Feel?
A pinched nerve can affect anywhere from most common places like the lower back and spine to the toes and fingers. Chiropractic for pinched nerve patients can feel numbness, burning sensations, and tingling in these areas when a nerve is irritated and painful. A pinched nerve makes everyday tasks challenging to perform as frequently reported by our patients.
Common Causes of Pinched Nerves
There are many causes of a pinched nerve since nerves are so widespread. A wide range of issues can lead to a pinched nerve and they can be classified as “wear-and-tear” injuries, traumas, or diseases. These are some of the more frequent causes that our pinched nerve chiropractor sees:
Bulged Disc
Poor workplace ergonomics
Sports or Auto accident trauma
Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
Pinched Nerve Symptoms
Pinched nerves can cause symptoms affecting sensation and movement because the nerves relay motor and sensory messages. Some of the more common sensory symptoms that are reported to our chiropractor for pinched nerves include electrical shock-like sensations, burning, and “pins-and-needles” tingling. Nerves carry information including painful messages throughout the nerve path and it may feel like shooting sensations through the toes, fingers, and other parts of the body.
Restricted range of motion stemming from nerve issues can limit daily activities as well as impact nerve-related sensory issues. Pinched nerves not only cause weakness but also lead to uneven weakness which creates unhealthy compensation in movements. This type of weakness can also lead to a greater risk of injury because your mind’s vision of being strong on both sides won’t match in reality. This also results in requiring your body to put forth excessive effort for movement as it creates a mismatch between reality and perception.
How Chiropractic Works To Alleviate Pinched Nerves
Here at Health From Within, our pinched nerve chiropractic treatment considers each patient’s health goals, preferences, and current physical condition. We strongly believe that therapy and healing are most successful when our patients willingly and completely participate. Each of our patients receives a complete assessment, which includes an in-depth interview about your health and life, which helps us discover any lifestyle-related problems and wellness-focused solutions to help encourage your body’s natural healing ability.
Once the initial assessment is completed, we then conduct a full examination for pinched nerves. During this part of chiropractic for pinched nerves treatment, we test reflexes, strength, and other physical functions. We evaluate how each patient walks, stoops, bends, and performs many other movements. This provides us with a better view of how their neurological system works. In addition, we perform imaging studies so that we can visually see where nerves may be compressed or pinched.
Our Pinched Nerve Treatment
After the examination, our patients are matched with pinched nerve treatment interventions that are as gentle and minimally invasive as possible to get the results they need. These interventions are also matched to our patients’ personal styles, inclinations, and habits so that they can be easily applied to their daily lives.
Spinal Decompression*
Many of our patients develop insomnia or unrestful sleep because pinched nerve symptoms get worse at night which leads them to search for a “pinched nerve chiropractor near me.” Here at Health From Within, we want to help our patients feel better as soon as possible because we know how an irritated nerve can cause misery with daily movement.
Spinal decompression of the back or neck involves stretching the spine. This involves manually moving ligaments, muscles, and bones against a nerve. This creates reduced pressure and increased range of movement.
*We offer spinal decompression at our Bettendorf location only
Therapeutic Movement
Ailing nerves can regain lost function and experience less pain with gentle movement. An essential pinched nerve chiropractic treatment is guided exercise. After our chiropractor at Health From Within has evaluated our patient’s movement and created long-term treatment goals, we then put together a therapeutic movement program to accomplish those goals. In the beginning, we will closely monitor therapeutic movement in our office. This helps to make any necessary adjustments to the plan as soon as possible depending on how the exercises are performed.
Strategic Self-Care
We will send our patients home with a plan to complete once they can independently and safely complete their therapeutic movement program in our office. We’ve found that most of our chiropractic for pinched nerve patients are motivated to not only learn but complete a variety of self-care strategies at home. Some of these include therapeutic heat treatments, cold compresses, and even rest. Customized nutrition plans are another area that we find helps our patients experience improvement in their body’s natural ability to heal and overall health.
See Our Pinched Nerve Chiropractor For Relief
You’re not alone if pinched nerves make your joints, muscles, and other parts of your body extremely painful. Here at Health From Within, we help patients like you with pinched nerves on a daily basis and would love to help you have easy and pain-free movement again. Be sure to call us today to schedule your consultation or have your questions answered by our pinched nerve chiropractors.